integrated energy-saving policy ballast-lamp circuit deep sleep mode NRTL
Low-Power Mode Energy-Saver Mode Standby Mode off mode
Plug-in Mode weekly timer anti-humidity device sheet copying
Upgradeable Digital Copier crest factor democratic accountability retroactive effect
IRMS transfer analogue country judicial review
caustic calcined magnesium hours of rest abuse of procedures productive asset
collateral guarantee public creditor private sector creditor private creditor
Japan Shippers Council breastfeeding period conductive object radiant power
body tissue aggregate wage increase labour productivity price dispersion
government surplus biological tissue flexible working time goods market
accounting error breastfeeding worker budgetary restructuring contact current
current density economic reform electric field strength employment growth
European Employment Pact J kg joules per kilogram labour supply
liquidity help magnetic field strength network industry parallel trade
physical quantity pregnant worker private employment office profitability of investments
structural overcapacity tax rise tax increase tax reform
trend rate vector quantity wage agreement wage settlement
pay settlement W kg watts per kilogram state of health
golden hamster leptospire information campaign special envoy
silage grass fragmentation reference yield average yield
fermentation wine market counterfeit currency database supplying establishment
user establishment interest-free loan hybrid fibre emamectin
glutamine asparagine citrulline thioctic acid
sulfogaiacol clorsulon fenpipramide hydrochloride tricaine mesilate
clavulanic acid ring-pull sugar year denomination of coins
denomination of banknotes euro coin peace process standard import value
multiannual crop confectionery sunflower seed regionalisation plan actual yield
reference area eligible agricultural area end-of-year stock flatrate yield
welfare spending supply of work labour cost legal environment
dual apprenticeship system skilled worker fixed asset capitalisation
public authority governmental authority structural reform sowing period
area payment area aid pre-in country sudden death
judicial winding-up order citations internet economy new economy
online economy web economy e-economy World Education Forum
soil improvement soil conditioning sketch combined approach
water treatment plant quota year European Food Authority Parliamentary Documentation Centre
SRSG UNSRSG private surveillance firm serious breach
abrasion testing ball cratering weathering agent hazelnut oil
virtual recycling centre virtual tribology institute virtual maritime institute doping control
auto-oil programme combined test procedure on-board measurement system fault code
emission control device durability requirement exhaust aftertreatment technology aftertreatment technology
own-initiative inquiry conventional arms transfer prevention of injuries advisory committee procedure
incentive distributed facility virtual facility composite packaging
ever closer Union emotional charge good citizenship pluralist society
democratic culture culture of solidarity personal experience political awareness
communitarianism theoretical approach communitarianist school for democracy
principle of consensus democratic legitimisation single market cohesion management culture
administered controlled economy videotape good water status artificial water body
river basin district good ecological potential quantitative status monomictic
dimictic polymictic oligohaline mesohaline
polyhaline microtidal mesotidal macrotidal
benthic invertebrate fauna taxonomic composition planktonic bloom planktonic taxon
macrophyte macrophytic taxon phytobenthic taxon anthropogenic disturbance
invertebrate taxon phytoplanktonic taxon angiosperm taxon background level
power-operated window power-operated partition auto-reversing system accidental closing
test rod non-conformity case termination decision suspected infringement
established infringement fragmentation factor take action incorrect transposal
detailed opinion principle of non-applicability gas storage equipment administrative tolerance
denatured spirit piloting tariff seriousness of infringement segregated-ballast oil tanker
cargo-sharing agreement former Yugoslav States noisy aircraft transposal legislation
pre-litigation stage stray dog principal scientific monitoring
zebra fish zebra danio acetal air-conditioning
still camera camera ecoregion multiple rate auction
multiple-rate auction American auction trade date solvency risk
final transfer marginal interest rate purchase date maximum bid limit
outright transaction repurchase date reserve ratio top-up payment
top-up animal sickness fund cessation premium Early Marketing Premium
Selective Cull Scheme casualty animal headage premium cull scheme
maternal transmission selective slaughter programme feed mill additional headage payment
lost productive value cohort tracing double ear tagging single headage payment
accompanying measures claim phosphoglycolipid brand marking weaning
spawn leaching processed animal protein certification of origin
monetary stability seed unit recitals recitals
paragraph indent preamble citations and recitals
subparagraph substantive part citations non-refundable grant
preferential concession stand subtilisin meloxicam
albendazole oxide chlorphenamine ammonium salt dicyclanil
Anti-Fraud Committee moenomycin norbornene vinyltrimethoxysilane
methacrylamide perfluoropropyl perfluorovinyl ether styrenesulphonic acid benzaldehyde
copper bromide copper iodide glycerol tribehenate pentaerythritol dioleate
polyethyleneglycol monoalkyl ether poly zinc glycerolate bis methylbenzylidene sorbitol sulphite
triphenylene lewisite Non-Proliferation Experts Group NPEG
barium selenate local public transport rinsing agent autonomous trade preference
temporary suspension clause adventitious contamination seed source turbo-charged diesel engine
provisional budget failure to publish retroactive abolition major offence
deliberate disregard premeditated offence attempt to conceal rescue lifting device
EU bubble forest-rich Member State forest certification super-critical wood impregnation
electrostatic dry glazing sanitation manhole ecofriendly environment equitable construction
MoWaSy electro-TBT-detoxification green drachma Answer
SIMBE SEMPA bio-architecture truffled forest
CLOSED xerothermic Swatch film-coated tablet
pre-publication notice hinterland connection door-to-door package interim civilian administration
inclusive Europe trading area political contributor Rapid Reaction Fund
employment-generating reform urban congestion on-line information society e-Europe
eEurope Initiative eEurope Action Plan eu Internet address AUDIT
Financial Control Directorate-General legal person legal entity legal body
cut-off speed visual inspection prescribed period redress procedure
review procedure procedure for redress audiovisual industry rescue harness
rescue loop photooxidation RESPECT Respect project
used cooling liquid foreign reserve assets PRESS Inspectorate-General